March 22, 2010

Week 9 - Vector Analysis II

Question 1:
Which tool did you use? I used the intersect tool.
Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from the instructions? I ddin't notice any difference other than it took less steps to achieve the same results.

Question 2:
Which tool did you use here? I used the erase tool.
Why? The erase tool removes any areas that overlap and I wanted to make sure that the portions of the conservation areas were removed from the buffer zones so they would no longer be possibilities.

Question 3:
How many features are in this layer? 79
What is the area of the largest feature? 7,765,034.493 meters.
What is the area of the smallest feature? 748.114 meters.

March 17, 2010

Spring Break Fun!

I'm a procrastinator! I have run out of time to finish this map the way I wanted to. I would have liked to have added the cities and roads and perhaps do an inset of the state of Florida. But, one good thing is I did learn how to join tables and summarize data.

March 2, 2010

Week 7 - Data Editing in ArcGIS

Just trying to catch up finally. This wasn't difficult, it's just trying to commit all these new functions to memory that is tough.